About Nickerson Service
Tom Steward
Tommy Steward | Service Manager
C 631.834.1038
P 631.666.3150 x259
F. 631.666.2667
Catherine Cruz
Catherine Cruz | Service Coordinator
D. 631.666.3150
O. 631.666.0200 x221
F. 631.666.2667
Maintenance of your equipment is integral for student, teacher, and custodial safety; as well as necessary for extending the life, functionality, and appearance of your equipment. Equipment which is frequently maintained reduces the need for costly repairs later. Even properly used equipment can become worn or damaged over time. To accommodate this need our service department specializes in inspections, repairs, and refurbishment, all of which can add to the safety and longevity of your equipment. Every service type is available, from emergency repair to annual inspections